Grading Application / Process - Black belts
In order to be eligible to apply for any grading students must attend & participate in relevant sessions, study and practice all of their syllabus to their instructors satisfaction. As the appropriate knowledge is acquired a student may ofcourse discuss things with their instructor & at some point obtain their prior approval to apply for the next grading.
All black belts (all ages, all grades) must still attend pre-gradings each & every 6 months period as usual. Every year.
Those wishing to apply for black belt grading of any level, should discuss this with their instructor regularly in the period at least 5 to 8 months before the relevant Black Belt grading date. Also, as part of the 4 part process, you must attend all 3 (three) of the pre-gradings that occur in the two months immediately prior to that grading date. Please note in this situation, at your first pre-grading you have your Pre-grading "test" which you must 'Pass'. If you don't attend/pass, then you can re-apply after 6 months.
Please note that Black Belt grading forms/application process is quite different from the coloured belt system & also must be completed & submitted at least two or three MONTHS before the actual grading date so having discussed with your instructor they will remind you to E-mail us with your current email address so we can help you, explain & prepare your early application forms for you/your parents to sign. Grading fees etc are none refundable in whole nor in part.
Junior black belts:- Star Gradings once you're a 1st Dan,
- STAR grading system (mandatory for under 16yrs) – (Star grading syllabus)
Gradings: Junior black belts strive to improve their skills and earn Star Gradings (levels 1, 2 or 3) as they go. As a junior black belt (under 16) you study the black belt syllabus & taking Star Gradings each year. Earning a Star 1,2 or 3 (Star grading syllabus) is a promotion above the normal 1st Dan. Then, when you have passed the three gradings (or after your 4th year / or at 16 years old, whichever is soonest), you can apply for your final 2nd Dan grading.
16 year olds who are not yet eligable to actually take their 2nd or for whatever reason who do not take their 2nd Dan within 10 months directly after their 16th Brithday must follow the normal adult requirements and hence you must also attend & pass the relevant Umpires Course before you apply to grade.
** Junior black belts AGE Requirements: Grading time between gradings is measured in "Adult training months". Therefore to clarify, if you grade for black belt whilst under 16yrs old then this is calculated as follows: Any training time that you (the student) completes between Dan grades whilst you are still under 16 years of age counts as half of the "Adult" training time. Once the student reaches 16 years old, then their training months are counted as Adult training months. The student must complete the equivalent of 24 Adult months training (ie: 24 months Adult training time) between 1st & 2nd Dan. ** (updated 30/09/21)
- STAR grading system (mandatory for under 16yrs) – (Star grading syllabus)
All black belts (all ages, all grades) must still attend pre-gradings each & every 6 months period as usual.
Please ensure that you follow Coloured belt Resources and Black Belt Resources for your grade. Also News, Calendar.