For younger children under 6
The Tiger program is a detailed curriculum especially for children under 6 or so, that may not yet be mature enough to join our other classes. We focus on improving such things as a child’s basic motor skills, communication, teamwork, concentration and interacting with others as well as fitness and fun of course. These skills should help them enter society with a more confident and enthusiastic outlook and can help children to become better students at school, better listeners at home and more ambitious towards the future.
Our program will enhance positive development in a fun and motivating way, help your child to focus, and gives them skills to achieve any goal they set in life.
They will learn to work with others and follow direction from our Instructors.

Click here for some of our existing or new tigers classes:
Camberley / Sandhurst Tigers: Children aged 3 & over Sandhurst Tigers
Reading Tigers: Children aged 3 to 5 Reading Tigers
As children get older and/or more proficient they simply continue on into our appropriate children’s class and everything that they know about Tae Kwon-Do basics from their Tigers class gives them a fully transferable set of TKD skills and knowledge as they continue to learn more about our self defence art.
Other Classes are also being set up in your area so please contact us if you wish to join your existing local club(s) or to be added to the relevant waiting list.