HED TKD: Here to help you.
Other relevant sites and information

Tae Kwon-Do association of Great Britain : The official site of the TAGB.
BTC Policy Documents: Policy docs (eg: Safeguarding, DBS , Equity etc).
British Tae Kwon-Do Council : BTC's Official site for TKD Associations recognised by UK Sport/Sport England etc.
British Tae Kwon-Do Council Safeguarding : Official site for TKD/TAGB safeguarding.
Tae Kwon-Do International : Official site for TKD organisations worldwide.
BTC Instructor Resources : BTC Instructor resources.
Alton & Petersfield TKD: The Alton & Petersfield tae Kwon Do clubs.
Wapping TKD: The Wapping Tae Kwon-Do club.