Congratulations to Arya Gursal who received the Grading Award at our Fleet Clun

Congratulations to Connor Simmons from from Bracknell Club on his recent promotion. At the Sept Grading

Ready for action the Sept grading 2018

Congratulations to students at Woking and Maya Szerzen who was awarded the Grading Award

Well done to Reading student's recently promoted in Sept 2018 and to Louisa Brandon who was awarded the Grading Award

Well done to Kingston students who were recently promoted age to Zixuan Zhog who was awarded the Grading Award Sept 2018 HED TKD

Congratulations to students at Worthing who we promoted and to Camellia Hurley who received the Grading Award Sept 2018 HEDTKD

Congratulations to students at Erith on recent promotions and to Ramaswamy Sellappan who was awarded the Grading Award Sept 2018 HED TKD

Luke Cardwell from Bognor awarded the Grading Award with Miss Goddard

Christie Cassy- Mortlock awarded the Grading Award with Instructor Miss Goddard HED TKD Sept 2018

Venice Arnold awarded the Grading Award with Instructor Miss Goddard HED TKD Sept 2018

Fleet students promoted at the Dec 2018 Grading wiith HEDTKD

Guildford Students promoted at Dec 18 grading. Gregory Nicholls receives the grading award. Well done to all.

Parang Karimi receiving 3rd Kup Belt and certificate. Dec 18 grading at HEDTKD