Student's receiving their belts at HED TKD Woodley Club March 18

Guildford students John and Gregory Nicholls recieving belts with instructor Howard Douglas at HED TKD

Fleet club students promoted at Grading receive belts certificates

Guildford TaeKwondo: Lyra, Gregory, John & Jason are promoted. Well done to all HED TKD students

Tae Kwon Do Woking club: members earned promotion to next belt. Well done everyone

Jordan and Harry promoted in March at Erith Tae kwon Do Club

Kingston students promoted at HED TKD March Grading

Kitty and Ben promoted from our Camberley Club at HED TKD. Well done guys

Worthing students promoted at HED TKD March 18

Fleet students promoted at the HED TKD June 18 grading. Well done to all...

Student's promoted at HED TKD Bognor. Congratulations

Congratulations to our Worthing students who recently passed the June Grading with HED TKD

Congratulations to our Bracknell Club with the recent June grading promotions. And well done to Sylvie Lynch won received the grading award.

Well done to students at HED TKD Woking Club who were recently promoted at the June 18 grading