Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (South East Area) GENERAL INFORMATION
These pre-grading events are held each year and are open and mandatory for all Red belts (2nd Kup/1st Kup) and for all Dan grades. All members having attained Red belt (ie: 2nd Kup or above) MUST, as part of their syllabus, attend at least 1 session every 6 months (in your formal WHITE Dobok only. If you only do the minimum, then these must be by attending at least one mandatory session in the first half of the year (during February/March/April) & at least a second mandatory session during the second half of the year (ie: during September/October time), (thereby attending at least two sessions in any one calendar year). If you choose to do more (by attending more than one session in either of the half yearly periods), then you MUST still attend at least one in the other half of the calendar year.
Simply pick the date(s) you are attending and turn up in your WHITE Dobok. (Please check News &/or Calendar, for specifc messages with exact details of sessions over the next 6 to 12 months and just go along to the session(s)).
You can choose to attend more sessions than the minimum 2 required each year if you wish, so just go along. (Any third Kups who might like to attend these sessions need only to ask and obtain their instructors' prior permission).
Pre-Grading requirements.
- ALL 2nd Kups, 1st Kups & above MUST ALL attend Pre-gradings whether they are grading or not. Pre-gradings are Mandatory. Pre-gradings are a training session & continuous assessment of your knowlege, skills & ability.
- 2nd Kups cannot grade for 1st Kup unless they do the pre-gradings.
- White Doboks ONLY at any Pre-gradings (no club doboks, ever !).
- Students hoping to actually take any Dan gradings must have done their pre-gradings every 6 months over the past years and also they must definately attend all three pre-gradings in the 2 months immediately before their black belt grading.
- 2nd Kups & above must attend at least one pre-grading every 6 months. You can attend more/all sessions if you like.
- Full & complete and undamaged sparring gear must be brought to each and every pre-grading session (incl groin & Gum shields).
- Pre-gradings should be paid for if you are not taking a Dan grade (£10 currently)
- Students must be fit, licenced & able to train in their WHITE Dobok when they arrive.
- Bring your licence book. Ensure you have a current licence.
- Instructors should tell their 2nd kup’s going to their first ever session, what to expect.
(This info was first published on in 2006)