Sessions @45m to 1hr
Come along anytime. Simple!

March grading deadline is almost here soon or it's even today !. For those who want to grade this time & who satisfy all pre-requisite requirements, use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application. Urgently please, today, immmediately, now please so that you dont miss out.
Sorry Late applications or incomplete applications of any kind (incl late form submission and/or late payments or whatever the issue) Sorry but they cannot be accepted under any circumstances.
This is just a reminder message to help you. please see specific messages on & you can only use your "members log-in" to be able to access & then complete, an application before the deadline.
Sundays & Thursdays:
Elvetham Heath Community Ctr,
The Key, Elvetham Heath,
GU51 1HA
Children (Under 11yrs) & family: 09.15am
Juniors & family (up to 4th Kup): 10:15am
Juniors & family (3rd Kup +): 11:00am
Adults (& 1st Kups 13yrs +): 11:45am
Black Belts: 11:45am onwards
Children (Under 11yrs) & family: 4:15pm
Juniors & family (up to 4th Kup): 5:15pm
Juniors & family (3rd Kup +): 6:15pm
Adults (& 1st Kup 13yrs +): 7:15pm
Black Belts: 7:30pm onwards
Parking in local car park. Gym is in the community centre on your left hand side.

March grading deadline is almost here soon or it's even today !. For those who want to grade this time & who satisfy all pre-requisite requirements, use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application. Urgently please, today, immmediately, now please so that you dont miss out.
Sorry Late applications or incomplete applications of any kind (incl late form submission and/or late payments or whatever the issue) Sorry but they cannot be accepted under any circumstances.
This is just a reminder message to help you. please see specific messages on & you can only use your "members log-in" to be able to access & then complete, an application before the deadline.