Kingston students Use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on or Kingston, KT25PL 11:00am on

Guildford student use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Fleet student use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Maidenhead student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Reading student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Bracknell student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Woking student use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Bognor student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

Worthing Student Grading Form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on

English Champs 23rd March '25
English Champs: Sunday 23rd March 2024
Entry info for our members (competitors &/or spectators). Great fun. As explained in the info/instructions (pdf), please only use the HED TKD Entry Form (one per competitor), submitting c/w payments BEFORE or at the latest “on” the deadline date.

Class Assistant & Instructor(s) Courses
Various Optional courses are available.
This is TAGB's updated courses for Class Assistants up to fully fledged TKD Club/School Owners. We've listed your course options & eligibility on Resources page(s) Coloured-belts / Black-belts for relevant grades. Summary of the 4 choices:
1. CLASS ASSISTANT (eligibility: Adults 2nd kup & above, also Junior Black Belts 14yrs & over)
Can assist in classes, working supervised alongside a qualified Assistant Instructor or Instructor.
A 1 day, course held alongside the Assistant Instructor course (June/July) each year.
2. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR (eligibility: Black belts 17yrs & over who can provide appropriate valid info/id etc for their DBS check)
Can teach supervised alongside a qualified Instructor & also can even teach occasionally unsupervised, if they satisfy the below noted conditions.
A 1 or 2 day course held June or July each year.
Note: A qualified Assistant Instructor may teach unsupervised on an occasional basis, providing they hold:
a) Professional Indemnity Insurance through the TAGB.
b) An up to date First Aid certificate.
c) A valid, clear DBS/PVG/Access NI disclosure check (to apply you’ll need to be able to provide some things like passports, valid driving licence, Birth cert, (relevant docs as needed eg: bank/credit statements, utility/council tax bill, p45, p60 etc)
d) A current TAGB/BTC Membership licence
e) Relevant Safeguarding
3. INSTRUCTOR (eligibility: Black belts 18yrs & over who’ve taken & qualified from the Assistant Instructor course)
Can teach unsupervised Club Sessions (Designed for people to run sessions regularly onquite a permanent basis without supervision).
A 2 day, course held in November each year.
Note: A qualified Instructor will ofcourse hold the same or higher clearances as mentioned above (incl; PL/PI, DBS, TAGB Licence, Safeguarding & First Aid).
Taking & passing this course means you qualify and register as BTC /TAGB instructor in your own right. However, may we at HED TKD clarify that;Should you take & Pass the TAGB's Instructors course, (becoming a Registered TAGB / BTC instructor). We confirm that being a Registered Instructor does not mean that you have to go on to run and/or teach at any club(s).
You can simply do this course purely for the fun and challenge of it and ofcourse to gain that particular qualification.
To maintain your qualification & status as a TAGB/BTC registered Instructor, you must also maintain appropriate aspects incl PL/PI; Safeguarding & DBS.
4. SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR MANAGEMENT: (eligibility: Black belts 18yrs & over who’ve taken & qualified from the Instructor course)
For those wishing to open their own TAGB School (in their own name) within say the next 18 months after taking this course.
A 1 day, Business Management course run with, or shortly after the Instructor Course each year.
(Any currently qualified Instructors who wish to open a school in their own name or even currently running a club/school already, may also apply to attend if you wish).
We hope this summary helps you.

Umpire and Referee courses - Black Belts
Black belts can learn more about teaching/officiating. Minimum ages for formal courses are:-
Umpires & Assistant instructors: 16 years.
Referees & Instructors courses: 18 years.
Black belts (16yrs old & over) must attend their particular qualifying courses and can additionally choose to attend optional courses as part of their Black Belt syllabus.
Each person should discuss/select their own relevant courses/dates several months in advance of the course you want to go to. (diary dates for all events &/or courses are in News / Calendar. Discuss things with your instructor well in advance and with their approval apply first by E-mailing us AT LEAST 3 months in advance. We confirm any relevant fee/info/photo online forms or whatever to help you then actually register for the course.

HED TKD Entry form
To enter and/or to spectate at T.A.G.B (& BTC) tournaments, correctly complete a form for each competitor in accordance with the relevant competitions information. Give the completed form etc. to your instructor BEFORE the deadline date.
Thank you HED TKD

Grading application Info: Coloured belts
Eligibility for any grading; students must attend & participate well in 75%+ relevant sessions, study, practice & gain sufficient proficiency of their syllabus to their instructors satisfaction. As the appropriate knowledge is acquired a student must ofcourse discuss & obtain their instructors prior approval to apply. This does not guarantee you'll be able/allowed/ready to grade nor promotion. For forms log into members area @3-5 weeks before grading date.
Grading forms: click here to log into your Members Area
Preliminary dates & info in News / Calendar .
If for some reason that you cannot attend our grading dates, please check with your instructor well in advance to try to help you. Grading fees etc are none refundable/exchangable neither in whole nor in part.

Black Belt Grading - Application Process
Grading Application / Process - Black belts
In order to be eligible to apply for any grading students must attend & participate in relevant sessions, study and practice all of their syllabus to their instructors satisfaction. As the appropriate knowledge is acquired a student may ofcourse discuss things with their instructor & at some point obtain their prior approval to apply for the next grading.
All black belts (all ages, all grades) must still attend pre-gradings each & every 6 months period as usual. Every year.
Those wishing to apply for black belt grading of any level, should discuss this with their instructor regularly in the period at least 5 to 8 months before the relevant Black Belt grading date. Also, as part of the 4 part process, you must attend all 3 (three) of the pre-gradings that occur in the two months immediately prior to that grading date. Please note in this situation, at your first pre-grading you have your Pre-grading "test" which you must 'Pass'. If you don't attend/pass, then you can re-apply after 6 months.
Please note that Black Belt grading forms/application process is quite different from the coloured belt system & also must be completed & submitted at least two or three MONTHS before the actual grading date so having discussed with your instructor they will remind you to E-mail us with your current email address so we can help you, explain & prepare your early application forms for you/your parents to sign. Grading fees etc are none refundable in whole nor in part.
Junior black belts:- Star Gradings once you're a 1st Dan,
- STAR grading system (mandatory for under 16yrs) – (Star grading syllabus)
Gradings: Junior black belts strive to improve their skills and earn Star Gradings (levels 1, 2 or 3) as they go. As a junior black belt (under 16) you study the black belt syllabus & taking Star Gradings each year. Earning a Star 1,2 or 3 (Star grading syllabus) is a promotion above the normal 1st Dan. Then, when you have passed the three gradings (or after your 4th year / or at 16 years old, whichever is soonest), you can apply for your final 2nd Dan grading.
16 year olds who are not yet eligable to actually take their 2nd or for whatever reason who do not take their 2nd Dan within 10 months directly after their 16th Brithday must follow the normal adult requirements and hence you must also attend & pass the relevant Umpires Course before you apply to grade.
** Junior black belts AGE Requirements: Grading time between gradings is measured in "Adult training months". Therefore to clarify, if you grade for black belt whilst under 16yrs old then this is calculated as follows: Any training time that you (the student) completes between Dan grades whilst you are still under 16 years of age counts as half of the "Adult" training time. Once the student reaches 16 years old, then their training months are counted as Adult training months. The student must complete the equivalent of 24 Adult months training (ie: 24 months Adult training time) between 1st & 2nd Dan. ** (updated 30/09/21)
- STAR grading system (mandatory for under 16yrs) – (Star grading syllabus)
All black belts (all ages, all grades) must still attend pre-gradings each & every 6 months period as usual.
Please ensure that you follow Coloured belt Resources and Black Belt Resources for your grade. Also News, Calendar.

TAGB competition rules information
For reference by black belts who may or may not yet have done the relevant courses.

Info: Comps, Courses, Gradings etc

TAGB competition rules information
For reference by black belts who may or may not yet have done the relevant courses.
Black Belt Grading - Application Process
Grading Application / Process - Black belts
In order to be eligible to apply for any grading students must attend & participate in relevant sessions, study and practice all of their syllabus to their instructors satisfaction. As the appropriate knowledge is acquired a student may ofcourse discuss things with their instructor & at some point obtain their prior approval to apply for the next grading.
All black belts (all ages, all grades) must still attend pre-gradings each & every 6 months period as usual. Every year.
Those wishing to apply for black belt grading of any level, should discuss this with their instructor regularly in the period at least 5 to 8 months before the relevant Black Belt grading date. Also, as part of the 4 part process, you must attend all 3 (three) of the pre-gradings that occur in the two months immediately prior to that grading date. Please note in this situation, at your first pre-grading you have your Pre-grading "test" which you must 'Pass'. If you don't attend/pass, then you can re-apply after 6 months.
Please note that Black Belt grading forms/application process is quite different from the coloured belt system & also must be completed & submitted at least two or three MONTHS before the actual grading date so having discussed with your instructor they will remind you to E-mail us with your current email address so we can help you, explain & prepare your early application forms for you/your parents to sign. Grading fees etc are none refundable in whole nor in part.
Junior black belts:- Star Gradings once you're a 1st Dan,
- STAR grading system (mandatory for under 16yrs) – (Star grading syllabus)
Gradings: Junior black belts strive to improve their skills and earn Star Gradings (levels 1, 2 or 3) as they go. As a junior black belt (under 16) you study the black belt syllabus & taking Star Gradings each year. Earning a Star 1,2 or 3 (Star grading syllabus) is a promotion above the normal 1st Dan. Then, when you have passed the three gradings (or after your 4th year / or at 16 years old, whichever is soonest), you can apply for your final 2nd Dan grading.
16 year olds who are not yet eligable to actually take their 2nd or for whatever reason who do not take their 2nd Dan within 10 months directly after their 16th Brithday must follow the normal adult requirements and hence you must also attend & pass the relevant Umpires Course before you apply to grade.
** Junior black belts AGE Requirements: Grading time between gradings is measured in "Adult training months". Therefore to clarify, if you grade for black belt whilst under 16yrs old then this is calculated as follows: Any training time that you (the student) completes between Dan grades whilst you are still under 16 years of age counts as half of the "Adult" training time. Once the student reaches 16 years old, then their training months are counted as Adult training months. The student must complete the equivalent of 24 Adult months training (ie: 24 months Adult training time) between 1st & 2nd Dan. ** (updated 30/09/21)
- STAR grading system (mandatory for under 16yrs) – (Star grading syllabus)
All black belts (all ages, all grades) must still attend pre-gradings each & every 6 months period as usual.
Please ensure that you follow Coloured belt Resources and Black Belt Resources for your grade. Also News, Calendar.
Grading application Info: Coloured belts
Eligibility for any grading; students must attend & participate well in 75%+ relevant sessions, study, practice & gain sufficient proficiency of their syllabus to their instructors satisfaction. As the appropriate knowledge is acquired a student must ofcourse discuss & obtain their instructors prior approval to apply. This does not guarantee you'll be able/allowed/ready to grade nor promotion. For forms log into members area @3-5 weeks before grading date.
Grading forms: click here to log into your Members Area
Preliminary dates & info in News / Calendar .
If for some reason that you cannot attend our grading dates, please check with your instructor well in advance to try to help you. Grading fees etc are none refundable/exchangable neither in whole nor in part.
HED TKD Entry form
To enter and/or to spectate at T.A.G.B (& BTC) tournaments, correctly complete a form for each competitor in accordance with the relevant competitions information. Give the completed form etc. to your instructor BEFORE the deadline date.
Thank you HED TKD
Umpire and Referee courses - Black Belts
Black belts can learn more about teaching/officiating. Minimum ages for formal courses are:-
Umpires & Assistant instructors: 16 years.
Referees & Instructors courses: 18 years.
Black belts (16yrs old & over) must attend their particular qualifying courses and can additionally choose to attend optional courses as part of their Black Belt syllabus.
Each person should discuss/select their own relevant courses/dates several months in advance of the course you want to go to. (diary dates for all events &/or courses are in News / Calendar. Discuss things with your instructor well in advance and with their approval apply first by E-mailing us AT LEAST 3 months in advance. We confirm any relevant fee/info/photo online forms or whatever to help you then actually register for the course.
Class Assistant & Instructor(s) Courses
Various Optional courses are available.
This is TAGB's updated courses for Class Assistants up to fully fledged TKD Club/School Owners. We've listed your course options & eligibility on Resources page(s) Coloured-belts / Black-belts for relevant grades. Summary of the 4 choices:
1. CLASS ASSISTANT (eligibility: Adults 2nd kup & above, also Junior Black Belts 14yrs & over)
Can assist in classes, working supervised alongside a qualified Assistant Instructor or Instructor.
A 1 day, course held alongside the Assistant Instructor course (June/July) each year.
2. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTOR (eligibility: Black belts 17yrs & over who can provide appropriate valid info/id etc for their DBS check)
Can teach supervised alongside a qualified Instructor & also can even teach occasionally unsupervised, if they satisfy the below noted conditions.
A 1 or 2 day course held June or July each year.
Note: A qualified Assistant Instructor may teach unsupervised on an occasional basis, providing they hold:
a) Professional Indemnity Insurance through the TAGB.
b) An up to date First Aid certificate.
c) A valid, clear DBS/PVG/Access NI disclosure check (to apply you’ll need to be able to provide some things like passports, valid driving licence, Birth cert, (relevant docs as needed eg: bank/credit statements, utility/council tax bill, p45, p60 etc)
d) A current TAGB/BTC Membership licence
e) Relevant Safeguarding
3. INSTRUCTOR (eligibility: Black belts 18yrs & over who’ve taken & qualified from the Assistant Instructor course)
Can teach unsupervised Club Sessions (Designed for people to run sessions regularly onquite a permanent basis without supervision).
A 2 day, course held in November each year.
Note: A qualified Instructor will ofcourse hold the same or higher clearances as mentioned above (incl; PL/PI, DBS, TAGB Licence, Safeguarding & First Aid).
Taking & passing this course means you qualify and register as BTC /TAGB instructor in your own right. However, may we at HED TKD clarify that;Should you take & Pass the TAGB's Instructors course, (becoming a Registered TAGB / BTC instructor). We confirm that being a Registered Instructor does not mean that you have to go on to run and/or teach at any club(s).
You can simply do this course purely for the fun and challenge of it and ofcourse to gain that particular qualification.
To maintain your qualification & status as a TAGB/BTC registered Instructor, you must also maintain appropriate aspects incl PL/PI; Safeguarding & DBS.
4. SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR MANAGEMENT: (eligibility: Black belts 18yrs & over who’ve taken & qualified from the Instructor course)
For those wishing to open their own TAGB School (in their own name) within say the next 18 months after taking this course.
A 1 day, Business Management course run with, or shortly after the Instructor Course each year.
(Any currently qualified Instructors who wish to open a school in their own name or even currently running a club/school already, may also apply to attend if you wish).
We hope this summary helps you.
English Champs 23rd March '25
English Champs: Sunday 23rd March 2024
Entry info for our members (competitors &/or spectators). Great fun. As explained in the info/instructions (pdf), please only use the HED TKD Entry Form (one per competitor), submitting c/w payments BEFORE or at the latest “on” the deadline date.
Bognor student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Worthing Student Grading Form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Kingston students Use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on or Kingston, KT25PL 11:00am on
Fleet student use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Maidenhead student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Reading student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Bracknell student use this form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Woking student use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Guildford student use this grading form.
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Bognor Regis, PO21 5NW 4:00pm on
Worthing Student Grading Form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Bognor student use this form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Fleet student use this grading form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Guildford student use this grading form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Bracknell student use this form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Reading student use this form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Kingston student use this grading form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Maidenhead student use this form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Woking student use this grading form::
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Bognor student use this form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Worthing Student Grading Form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Worthing grading 28th Sept '24
Worthing Grading Start times, White suit:
- 2.30pm for all grades
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm onwards
- Give anonymous grading feedback
Fleet student use this grading form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Reading student use this form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Bracknell student use this form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Maidenhead student use this form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Woking grading 18th Sept '24
Woking Grading Start times, White suit,
- 6:00pm 10th, 9th & 8th Kups : 6:40pm for 7th Kup & above
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm onwards
- Give anonymous grading feedback
Woking student use this grading form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Guildford student use this grading form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Kingston students Use this grading form...
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Maidenhead student use this form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Kingston student use this grading form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Bracknell student use this form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Guildford student use this grading form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Reading student use this form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Fleet student use this grading form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Bognor student use this form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Woking grading 19th June '24
Woking Grading Start times, White suit,
- 6:00pm 10th, 9th & 8th Kups : 6:40pm for 7th Kup & above
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm onwards
Worthing grading 22nd June '24
Worthing Grading Start times, White suit:
- 2.30pm for all grades
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm onwards
Woking student use this grading form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on
Worthing Student Grading Form..
To Apply, obtain Instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisites, White suit, complete this application.
- Check/learn Coloured Belt syllabus / Knowledge Quiz to revise
- At: Woking, GU21 8TL 6pm on or Worthing, BN14 7AR 2.30pm on

Black belt gradings: Apr 25
For those students potentially able to apply for black belt gradings in the next 10 months, we politely remind you should have talked with your instrucor(s) previously but also please chat with your instructors now Jan/Feb. Your instructors will then be better able to help you prepare and plan/offer advice on when you may best be ready to apply.
If you want to grade in April 2025 please urgently apply now and before the deadline date. Where you have asked for this info and chatted to your instructors you should already ofcourse have recieved the detailed application information.
Read the process HOW TO APPLY for black belt gradings.
There are various notes, helpful tips etc, in News, Calendar & the Coloured belt Resources and Black Belt Resources for your grade. All on www.hedtkd.com

Members who formally introduce other people that join any HED TKD club can earn reward points.
Reward points will be awarded to existing members after each person they formally introduce becomes a full member of HED TKD, remaining with us for at least 4 full calendar months & taking at least their first official Grading.
Earn 30 points per new member that you introduce
Unlimited reward points are accumulated by adding more to your total for each & every new member that you introduce who formally join & grade at any HED TKD club. ( T's & C's apply)
Points accounts status:
Leo Warner
Defferred coloured belt Grading to June '25.
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Oliver Pawlowska
Available 144 points : Pending _0_ points:
Miranda Hay
Available 0 points : Pending _30_ points:
Kaya Lewandowska
Available 0 points : Pending _30_ points:
Derren Chan
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Sebastion & Gabriel Mulder
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Viraj & Roshan Sahajpal
Defferred coloured belt Gradings (2 off) defferred to March '25 already.
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Oliver Karakov
Defferred coloured belt Grading to March '25.
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Chloe Taylor:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Michael Mear
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Jasper Thynne
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Luke Lingan
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Charlotte & Evelyn Gordon
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Micha Murphy:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
P & A Catterall
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Jayden Cheung
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Arya Gursal
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Aadhav Muthu:
Available 00 points : Pending _0_ points:
Thomas Clyne
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Oliver Walker
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Milo Oliver:
Available 0 points : Pending _30_ points:
Jason Moraru:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Nick Taylor:
Available 30 points : Pending _0_ points:
Rafe Sangster:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Milo Hoeffer:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Sianna & Quinlan Swali:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Scott Thomas:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Max Clunis
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Joseph Albon:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Gary Lawrence
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Anna Haigh
Available 30 points : Pending _0_ points:
Jacob Parker
Available 0 points : Pending _30_ points:
Arya Kaimal
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Alex & Olivia Lynch:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Michaela Muller:
Available 30 points : Pending _0_ points:
Charlie Bull:
Available 14 points : Pending _0_ points:
Kacper Lewandowski:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Justin Taylor:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Samuel Morely-Davis:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Yuscan Mesut:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Nathan Delhomme
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Rose & Thomas Bachtold:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
P. Das:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Mattis Lerck:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Rhys Foster:
Available 5 points : Pending _0_ points:
Raghav & Aadhav Muthu:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Yuehan Yang:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Scott Thomas:
Available 0 points : Pending _30_ points:
Mete Koksel:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
James Farrow:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Angus & Eva Plowman
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Joshua Mamotte:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Auroa Khan-Bahador:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Milly Marsh:
Defferred Grading to March 2024 only.
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Daniel Bolam:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Luke Blair:
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Umar & Asiya Gurbanova
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Ellie & Ethan Udobang
Available 0 points : Pending _0_ points:
Terms & Conditions for rewards Qualification
HED TKD's membership terms apply,
Existing Members must always continue to remain full registered members with us at HED TKD. As of November 2013 each new HED TKD member has their own Rewards account.
Points remain pending until both the exiting member and any new person(s) that they introduce, both actually formally are accepted as members by HED TKD & each remain thereafter in valid membership themselves for a period of an additional least 4 months (min) & taken their first grading with us.
Points &/or items redeemed against them, are not transferable (in whole or in part) in any way, at any time.
Lapsed members (who lapse for any reason) will instantly forfeit any points whether accrued &/or pending.
Points cannot be obtained against other members (current and/or previously lapsed).
Should you or the person(s) you introduce lapse in membership (for any reason) before the minimum 4 months & grading, then any points that may be pending for them are null & void.
Should you lapse in membership at any time (for any reason, for any period of time), then any points that may be pending and/or unused for you will also instantly become null & void.
Points cannot be used against membership or licences & can only be redeemd by & for yourself & within HED TKD clubs for discount against applicable things. (ie: your own; tournament entry, gradings, clothing / equipment, training / club suits, doboks, sparring equipment, breaker boards, breaking board holders, spectator tickets to tournaments,. Enquire with your HED TKD instructor).
Members can only redeem points for themselves and cannot not use their points to gain/acquire things for other members.
This is a members points scheme & points cannot be redeemed for money.
Your instructor(s) must confirm that you were responsible for any new introduction. Points will only be awarded for legitimate, full & proper introduction(s).
HED TKD rules, regulations, T's & C's apply.
HED TKD Tae Kwon-Do clubs Rewards Scheme for HED TKD members.
.. Revision A30 20/01/25

Safeguarding Course: 9th Feb '25
Safeguarding Course: 9th Feb 2025
An online 3 hour Basic safeguaring course. (Eligibility: HED TKD Members; Adults Only, Instructors, Assistants & Welfare Officers). Free of charge.
Please Apply by a.s.a.p. We strongly suggest you let us know now, Immediately, because the course applications are limited & will be closed when its full. (It will simply be "first come first serve"), So we suggest you apply now & hence try to book early. e-mail us.
Online course at your location using "Zoom"
(we estimate 09:00 am to 12.00 pm on the day).
To attend this course, email us now a.s.a.p and ofcourse please chat with your instructor as well.

Members:* use members area *
HED TKD Club members:
HED TKD Club members:
Please be reminded ofcourse that you can only get your equipment etc for use in the club from us, instead of manual forms, this is now being upgraded to our online site members accounts & purchase systems. Similarly for things like grading applications.
Please Click the www.hedtkd.com home screen icon (top right) & "create an account" or click create an account then scroll down to the form and complete it to apply /join our members area.
Our websites are being upgraded. HED TKD's current club members will be approved for the members area. Here you get members info etc & as always getting your equipment & training suits (doboks) etc direct from us which is still the only way to purchase any of the equipment, doboks, pads, sparring gear; etc that you can actually buy & be allowed to actually use within in your HED TKD Tae Kwon-Do clubs with us.
Note: We politey & respectfully remind you that you must only please get your equipment &/or suits or whatever from us by this route ( www.hedtkd.com members area). Your instructors will deliver these items to you at the club manually face to face. So as usual there is no additional postage. Any equipment, doboks etc obtained elsewhere (of whatever kind/regardless of if it looks the same or whatever) is NOT allowed.
We politely remind you again, to get a members account, can you please; Switch on your computer, laptop or phone & go to our website www.hedtkd.com. The link to be able to Sign in / log in or to actually create an account is the person icon (top right of your screen) or go to Resources>members login and either way to the "SIGN IN page", click the red writing which says "create one" to and fill out the form to apply to join our members area.

2025 Dates for your diary 2025
2025 EVENTS (incl; Comps, Courses, Gradings, etc):
This message will be updated regularly as new dates/events are confirmed so please check here regularly to keep yourself up to date. Specific notes & messages also appear & are updated throught the year in news/Calendar .
Happy new year to you all. Sessions re-start Sat 4th Jan 2025 onwards.
TBA th Safeguarding course - Online Zoom
26th Jan 2025 Midlands champs, Kettering
1st Umpires Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury see calendar for details
2nd Referee Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury calendar for details
9 th Basic Safeguarding course - Online Zoom
TBA 17th Class Assis't & Assis't Instructor Course Antrim Forum, Antrim
15th Red & Black Belt Pre-grading - Bracknell: calendar for details
TBC 18th Class Assis't & Assis't Instructor Course TBA,
22nd Umpires Course Part 1 & 2: Cardiff see calendar for details
23rd Referee Course Part 1 & 2: Cardiff calendar for details
MARCH 2025
3rd Welfare Course - Online Zoom
5 th Basic Safeguarding course - Online Zoom
15th Red & Black Belt Pre-grading - Bracknell: calendar for details
19th Coloured belt Grading Woking Calendar.
22nd Coloured belt Grading Worthing Calendar.
23rd English Champs Worcester Arena
APRIL 2025
5th Red & Black Belt Pre-grading - Horsham: calendar for details
18th Bank holiday Friday no sessions
20th April Easter Sunday no sessions
21st April Easter Monday no sessions
25th to 27th Black Belt Gradings, Daventry: see this msg for details
MAY 2025
TBC 1st (or 8th ) Fleet Cancelled polling day see news/calendar for details
5th No classes on this Monday it's a bank holiday.
10th Umpires Course Part 1 & 2: Cardiff see calendar for details
11th Referee Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury calendar for details
18th Welsh Championships: UWIC Cardiff Arena
TBA Umpires Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury see calendar for details
TBA rd Referee Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury calendar for details
26th No classes on this Monday, it's a bank holiday.
JUNE 2025
9th BTC Championships; Worcester.
18th Coloured belt Grading Woking Calendar.
21st Coloured belt Grading Worthing Calendar.
21st Lincolnshire championships Lincolnshire champs, Grantham
22nd Class Assistant course option (Malmesbury) Adults 2nd Kup & above & Black Belts 14yrs & over
22nd Assistant instructors course option (Malmesbury) Black Belts 17yrs & over
30th Northern Ireland Championships: Antrim, Northern Island contact us by 14th June for more info
JULY 2025
TBC possibe BLACK BELT Patterns Seminar Calendar - South East Area seminar
19th & 20th: World Championships Glasgow, Scotland
All club sessions closed on 19th Aug to 2nd Sept inclusive. Restarting 3rd Sept onwards.
3rd Training sessions at clubs continue as usual
TBC th Basic Safeguarding course - Online Zoom
6th Red & Black Belt Pre-grading Bracknell : calendar for details
TBC th Scottish championships. Ravenscraig Sports centre
24 th Coloured belt Grading Woking Calendar.
27th Coloured belt Grading Worthing Calendar.
TBC -- th Lincolnshire championships: Grantham
TBC XXXth South East Champs Horizon Leisure Centre, Havant
4th Red & Black Belt Pre-grading Bracknell: calendar for details
TBCth (this will be the third) Red & Black Belt Pre-grading - Burgess Hill: calendar for details
TBC 24th to 26th: Black Belt Gradings, Daventry see this msg for details
TBC 8th & 9th Instructors course at Malmesbury Leisure Centre
TBCnd Umpires Course Part 1 & 2: Cardiff see calendar for details
TBCrd Referee Course Part 1 & 2: Cardiff calendar for details
TBA th Red & Black Belt Pre-grading Bracknell: calendar for details
TBC 9th Umpires Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury see calendar for details
TBC th Referee Course Part 1 & 2: Oldbury calendar for details
TBC th British Championships: Worcester Arena, Worcester (details)
10th Coloured belt Grading Woking Calendar.
13 th Coloured belt Grading Worthing Calendar.
All sessions closed on Frday 19th Dec '25 to Friday 3rd Jan 2026 inclusive.
Restarting 4th January 2026 Onwards
Dates & info are subject to change, cancellation, alteration &/or updates so please check this regularly. (updated; 8/12/24 - 13-11-24 ). Info first added as at 01/09/2024.
_======== _=======_ ========

PreGradings '25 feb/apr (Mandatory for ALL Red belts & Black Belts) feb/apr
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). Note: If you are grading for a black belt then you MUST do All 3 of the pre-grading sessions in the two months period immediately preceeding the formal grading date. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read all of the Requirements, locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
Pre-Grading requirements.
- ALL 2nd Kups and 1st Kups & above MUST ALL attend Pre-gradings whether they are grading or not. Pre-gradings are Mandatory. Pre-gradings are a training session & continuous assessment of your knowlege, skills & ability.
- 2nd Kups cannot grade for 1st Kup unless they do the pre-gradings.
- WHITE Doboks ONLY at any Pre-gradings (no other coloured doboks, ever !).
- Students hoping to actually take any Dan gradings must have always done their pre-gradings every 6 months over the past years & also they must definately attend all three pre-gradings in the 2 months immediately before their black belt grading.
- 2nd Kups & above must attend at least one pre-grading every 6 months. You can attend more if you like.
- Full & complete and undamaged sparring gear must be brought to each & every pre-grading session (incl groin & Gum shields).
- Pre-gradings must be paid for if you are not taking a Dan grade (£10 currently)
- Students must be fit, licenced & able to train in their WHITE Dobok when they arrive.
- Bring your licence book. Ensure you have a current licence.
- Remember your pregrading card & £10 cash Fee
- Instructors should tell their 2nd kup’s going to their first ever session, what to expect.
Dates for 2025 Patterns Seminar (TBC) & pre-gradings
Pre-Grading dates:
Saturday 15th February 2025: BRACKNELL (RG42 2LN)
10:00am to 11:00am - All 2nd & 1st Kups (Includes Pre-grading Assessment)
11:00am to 12:00 noon - All Black Belts (Includes Pre-grading Assessment)
TBC - South East Instructors meeting
Saturday 15th March 2025: BRACKNELL (RG42 2LN)
10:00am to 11:00am - All 2nd & 1st Kups
11:00am to 12:00 noon - All Black Belts
Saturday 5th April 2025: Horsham (RH13 5HR)
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Red Belt 2nd & 1st Kups
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm All Black Belts
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Bracknell, RG42 2LN
Sports Hall, Millais Secondary School,
All Depot Rd, Horsham, RH13 5HR
(Door entry code 8522)
Also see, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.
(this item updated 10/01/25)

Safeguarding Course: 5th Mar '25
Safeguarding Course: 5th March 2025
An online 3 hour safeguaring course. (Eligibility: HED TKD Members; Adults Only, Instructors, Assistants & Welfare Officers). Free
Please Apply by a.s.a.p. We strongly suggest you let us know now, Immediately, because the course applications are limited & will be closed when its full. (It will simply be "first come first serve"), So we suggest you apply now & hence try to book early. e-mail us.
Online course at your location using "Zoom"
(we estimate 09:00 am to 12.00 pm on the day).
To attend this course, email us now a.s.a.p and ofcourse please chat with your instructor as well.

Maidenhead Club: Wed 19th Mar '25: Cancelled
Sorry, No Maidenhead session on Wed 19th March 2025
Due to a grading event on that day.
Sessions resume the following Monday as usual.

Deadline Apply Now! Mar '24 Coloured Belt Gradings
March grading deadline is almost here soon or it's even today !. For those who want to grade this time & who satisfy all pre-requisite requirements, use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application. Urgently please, today, immmediately, now please so that you dont miss out.
Sorry Late applications or incomplete applications of any kind (incl late form submission and/or late payments or whatever the issue) Sorry but they cannot be accepted under any circumstances.
This is just a reminder message to help you. please see specific messages on www.hedtkd.com & you can only use your "members log-in" to be able to access & then complete, an application before the deadline.

Coloured Belt Grading 19th March '25: WOKING
Coloured Belt Grading; 19th March 2025 Woking
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Start times:
10th, 9th, 8th Kups: 6:00pm*
7th Kups & above: 6:40pm*
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Location: Woking. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

Coloured Belt Grading Worthing 22nd March '25
Coloured Belt Grading; Sat 22nd March '25 Worthing
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Start times:
10th Kup & above: 2:30pm*
Location: Worthing. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

English Champs 23rd March '25
English champs: Sunday 23rd March 2025 - Worcester Arena
COLLECT YOUR tickets (wristbands) from your instructor asap. Please
Members entry info (competitors &/or spectators). As explained in the info/instructions (pdf), submit your entry & spectators tickets needs BEFORE the deadline. Available Here Now.

PreGrading 5th April '25 (All Red & Black Belts)
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (new style WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). If you are grading for a black belt you MUST do all 3 of the sessions. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read the locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
- Wear your WHITE Doboks only & ready to start on time.
- Remember your pre-grading card & £10 cash fee please.
Sat 15th February '25: Bracknell - Completed already (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat 15th March '25: Bracknell - Completed already (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat 5th th April '25: Horsham, - (starts 1:00pm Red belts & 2:00pm Black Belts),
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Surrey, RG42 2LN
Sports Hall, Millais Secondary School,
All Depot Rd, Horsham, RH13 5HR
(Door entry code 8522)
Also see GENERAL INFO, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.

Black belt grading: 25th to 27th April '25
April 2024 Black Belt Grading
We politely remind you that YOU MUST have:
- Recently attended & Sucessfully Completed at least 3 mandatory pre-gradings in the last two months period this year.
- Black Belts Must attend the South East Black Belt Seminar
- Attended & sucessfully completed at least 1 mandatory pre-gradings during every 6 months since attaining your Red Belt (your 2nd Kup), (similarly since your previous grading for higher grade students).
- Also maintained continuous membership, continuous training & attendance since your previous grading.
- Obtained your instructors prior agreement & approval that you are ready to grade (so chat with them at least 6 months before to get their advice and assistance to help you prepare).
- You will be grading on one day within the three day period, see below.
- PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY in your WHITE DOBOK (training Suit) so that you are not late for your grading.
Hellidon Lakes Hoteland Golf Resort, Daventry, NN11 6GG
www.hellidonlakeshotel.co.uk Tel. 01327 262550.
South East area students grading days/times are TO BE CONFIRMED:
Black belts - (Dan grades): Friday 25th April 2024
- Starting time: To be confirmed X.XX am for 1st Dans
- Starting time To be confrimed X.XX am for 2nd Dans
- Starting Time: To BE Confirmed X.XX am or pm for 3rd & 4th Dans
1st Kup - (ie: black stripes): Saturday 26th or Sunday 27th April 2025
- Starting time: TO BE CONFIRMED XX:XX am or pm for all 1st Kups.
There are various notes, helpful tips etc, in News, Calendar & the Resources for your grade. All on www.hedtkd.com
Parents & others escorting students to the grading CANNOT actually watch the grading nor enter the grading practice or student areas. However, parents etc may ofcourse remain in the hotel during the time the student is actually grading. Everyone is asked to please abide by the hotel rules & show respect to others including non TKD guests on the premises. Once the grading for the student is over people are asked to please leave the hotel premises within 15 minutes.
FINALLY, Anyone showing symptoms of covid or recently tested positive should ofcourse not come to the venue at all.

Fleet club: Thurs 1st May '25 (Elections)
There will be no training in Fleet on Thursday 1st May '25 polling day & Elvetham Heath centre will be used for local elections & voting.
As ever students may check in advacne with their instructors to get agreement to perhaps train at other local clubs eg: Maidenhead, Bracknell, Woodley Reading, Guildford, Knaphill Woking, Kingston or any other of our clubs/schools

PreGradings '25 (Mandatory for All Red & Black Belts) sept/oct
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). Note: If you are grading for a black belt then you MUST do All 3 of the pre-grading sessions in the two months period immediately preceeding the formal grading date. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read all of the Requirements, locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
Pre-Grading requirements.
- ALL 2nd Kups and 1st Kups & above MUST ALL attend Pre-gradings whether they are grading or not. Pre-gradings are Mandatory. Pre-gradings are a training session & continuous assessment of your knowlege, skills & ability.
- 2nd Kups cannot grade for 1st Kup unless they do the pre-gradings.
- WHITE Doboks ONLY at any Pre-gradings (no other coloured doboks, ever !).
- Students hoping to actually take any Dan gradings must have always done their pre-gradings every 6 months over the past years & also they must definately attend all three pre-gradings in the 2 months immediately before their black belt grading.
- 2nd Kups & above must attend at least one pre-grading every 6 months. You can attend more if you like.
- Full & complete and undamaged sparring gear must be brought to each & every pre-grading session (incl groin & Gum shields).
- Pre-gradings must be paid for if you are not taking a Dan grade (£10 currently)
- Students must be fit, licenced & able to train in their WHITE Dobok when they arrive.
- Bring your licence book. Ensure you have a current licence.
- Remember your pregrading card & £10 cash Fee
- Instructors should tell their 2nd kup’s going to their first ever session, what to expect.
Dates for 2025 Patterns Seminar (TBC) & pre-gradings
Pre-Grading dates:
Saturday 6th September 2025: BRACKNELL (RG42 2LN)
10:00am to 11:00am - All 2nd & 1st Kups (Includes Pre-grading Assessment)
11:00am to 12:00 noon - All Black Belts (Includes Pre-grading Assessment)
TBC - South East Instructors meeting
Saturday 4th October 2025: BRACKNELL (RG42 2LN)
10:00am to 11:00am - All 2nd & 1st Kups
11:00am to 12:00 noon - All Black Belts
Saturday XXXTBC th October 2025: BURGESS HILL (RH15 8WA)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Red Belt 2nd & 1st Kups
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm All Black Belts
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Bracknell, RG42 2LN
Burgess Hill leisure Centre,
Triangle Way, Burgess Hill,
West Sussex, RH15 8WA
Also see, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.
(this item updated 03/05/24)

Coloured Belt Grading 18th June '25: WOKING
Coloured Belt Grading; Wed 18th June '24 Woking
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Start times:
10th, 9th, 8th Kups: 6:00pm*
7th Kups & above: 6:40pm*
Location: Woking. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

Lincolnshire Championships 21st June '25
Lincs champs: Saturday 21st June 2025 - The Meres Leisure Centre, Grantham
ENTRY INFO will be available nearer the time.
Contact us if you want to enter this tournament In Grantham, Lincolnshire on 25th September 2021.
If you are a black belt and wish to only officiate then Contact us confiriming that and similarly we will organise that for you.
ALL, Please only use HED TKD entry form (one form per competitor), to enter & to order your spectator tickets. No other forms are acceptable.

Coloured Belt Grading: Worthing 21st June '25
Coloured Belt Grading; 21st June '24 Worthing
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Start times:
10th Kup & above: 2:30pm*
Location: Worthing. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

World Champs 2025 news
TI World Champs: Saturday 19th - Sun 20th July 2025 - Glasgow
The World championships are here again so be part of it, represent your club, the TAGB & your country at one of the greatest Martial arts events in our calendar. Join with Tae kwon-do exponents from all over the world. Come along & have fun.!
Braehead Arena, Kings Inch Rd, Glasgow G51 4BN
Entry info and links are below (Also please read the schedule info for the tournament further down in this message)
Entry info: for this tournament in July 2025 will be advised sometime in January 2025
Yours in TKD

Reading Club: Mon 11th Aug '25: closed for repairs
Reading session on Mon 11th August 2025 (closed for repairs to the floor during the schools summer holidays)
Members are reminded that as usual in addition to normal sessions at your home club you can continue to enjoy extra additional sessions anytime through the year (eg: attend Maidenhead, Guildford, Knaphill Woking, Kingston or any other of our clubs/schools). so your instructor confirms that should you wish for this week you can go to other clubs if they are running normally, so please check and just go along this summer should you wish.
Due to these repairs reading re-opens again in Sept 2025

PreGradings Sept/Oct '2025 (Mandatory for ALL Red belts & Black Belts)
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). Note: If you are grading for a black belt then you MUST do All 3 of the pre-grading sessions in the two months period immediately preceeding the formal grading date. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read the Requirements, locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
Pre-Grading requirements.
- ALL 2nd Kups and 1st Kups & above MUST ALL attend Pre-gradings whether they are grading or not. Pre-gradings are Mandatory. Pre-gradings are a training session & continuous assessment of your knowlege, skills & ability.
- 2nd Kups cannot grade for 1st Kup unless they do the pre-gradings.
- WHITE Doboks ONLY at any Pre-gradings (no other Coloured doboks, ever !).
- Students hoping to actually take any Dan gradings must have always done their pre-gradings every 6 months over the past years & also they must definately attend all three pre-gradings in the 2 months immediately before their black belt grading.
- 2nd Kups & above must attend at least one pre-grading every 6 months. You can attend more if you like.
- Full & complete and undamaged sparring gear must be brought to each & every pre-grading session (incl groin & Gum shields).
- Pre-gradings must be paid for if you are not taking a Dan grade (£10 currently)
- Students must be fit, licenced & able to train in their WHITE Dobok when they arrive.
- Bring your licence book. Ensure you have a current licence.
- Instructors should tell their 2nd kup’s going to their first ever session, what to expect.
Dates for 2024 Patterns Seminar (TBC) & pre-gradings;
Pre-Grading dates:
Saturday 6th September 2025: BRACKNELL (RG42 2LN)
10:00am to 11:00am - All 2nd & 1st Kups (Includes Pre-grading Assessment)
11:00am to 12:00 noon - All Black Belts (Includes Pre-grading Assessment)
TBC - South East Instructors meeting
Saturday 4th October 2025: BRACKNELL (RG42 2LN)
10:00am to 11:00am - All 2nd & 1st Kups
11:00am to 12:00 noon - All Black Belts
Saturday XXXTBC th October 2025: BURGESS HILL (RH15 8WA)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Red Belt 2nd & 1st Kups
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm All Black Belts
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Bracknell, RG42 2LN
Burgess Hill leisure Centre,
Triangle Way, Burgess Hill,
West Sussex, RH15 8WA
Also see, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.
(this item updated 27/11/24)

PreGrading 6th Sept 2025 (All Red & Black Belts)
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (new style WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). If you are grading for a black belt you MUST do all of the sessions. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read the locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
- Wear your WHITE Doboks only & ready to start on time.
- Remember your pre-grading card & £10 cash fee please.
Sat 6th September '25: Bracknell - (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat 4th October '25: Bracknell - (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat XXX TBC XXth October '25: Burgess Hill, - (starts 12:00pm Red belts & 1:00pm Black Belts),
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Surrey, RG42 2LN
Burgess Hill leisure Centre,
Triangle Way, Burgess Hill,
West Sussex, RH15 8WA
Also see GENERAL INFO, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.

Coloured Belt Grading 24th Sept '25: WOKING
Coloured Belt Grading; 24th September '25 Woking
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Start times: Give anonymous grading feedback
10th, 9th, 8th Kups: 6:00pm*
7th Kups & above: 6:40pm*
Location: Woking. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

Coloured Belt Grading: Worthing 27th Sept '25
Coloured Belt Grading; 27th September '25 Worthing
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Start times: Give anonymous grading feedback
10th Kup & above: 2:30pm*
Location: Worthing. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

PreGrading 4th Oct 2025 (All Red & Black Belts)
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (new style WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). If you are grading for a black belt you MUST do all of the sessions. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read the locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
- Wear your WHITE Doboks only & ready to start on time.
- Remember your pre-grading card & £10 cash fee please.
Sat 6th September '25: Bracknell - (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat 4th October '25: Bracknell - (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat XXX TBC XXth October '25: Burgess Hill, - (starts 12:00pm Red belts & 1:00pm Black Belts),
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Surrey, RG42 2LN
Burgess Hill leisure Centre,
Triangle Way, Burgess Hill,
West Sussex, RH15 8WA
Also see GENERAL INFO, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.

PreGrading XX TBA th Oct 2025 (All Red & Black Belts)
South East Area: Red & Black Belt Pre-Gradings (new style WHITE DOBOK's only)
(These sessions are mandatory for all 2nd Kup & 1st Kup (ie: Red belts) & also for ALL Black belts. Simply pick the dates you are attending & turn up early on the day in your formal WHITE DOBOK and be ready to start on the time noted below. You MUST do at least one or two sessions every 6 months, (ie: at least 1 or 2 during the Feb/Apr sessions and another 1 or 2 during the Sept/October group of sessions). If you are grading for a black belt you MUST do all of the sessions. (If you are still not sure what/when to attend; check your Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus and also read the GENERAL INFO message about pre-gradings. :
Read the locations (VENUES), days, dates & times very carefully so that you turn up at the correct place & time;
- Wear your WHITE Doboks only & ready to start on time.
- Remember your pre-grading card & £10 cash fee please.
Sat 6th September '25: Bracknell - (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat 4th October '25: Bracknell - (starts 10:00am Red belts & 11:00am Black Belts),
Sat XXX TBC XXth October '25: Burgess Hill, - (starts 12:00pm Red belts & 1:00pm Black Belts),
Garth Hill College,
Bull Lane,
Surrey, RG42 2LN
Burgess Hill leisure Centre,
Triangle Way, Burgess Hill,
West Sussex, RH15 8WA
Also see GENERAL INFO, Coloured Belt syllabus &/or Black Belt syllabus.

Black belt grading: 24th to 26th Oct '25
Oct 2024 Black Belt Grading
We politely remind you that YOU MUST have:
- Talked/clarified and agreed with your instructor several months earlier that you are eligable/on track & ready to apply.
- Recently attended & Sucessfully Completed at least 3 mandatory pre-gradings in the last two months period this year.
- Black Belts Must attend the South East Black Belt Seminar
- Attended & sucessfully completed at least 1 mandatory pre-gradings during every 6 months since attaining your Red Belt (your 2nd Kup), (similarly since your previous grading for higher grade students).
- Also maintained continuous membership, continuous training & attendance since your previous grading.
- Obtained your instructors prior agreement & approval that you are ready to grade (so chat with them at least 6 months before to get their advice and assistance to help you prepare).
- You will be grading on one day within the three day period, see below.
- PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY in your WHITE DOBOK (training Suit) so that you are not late for your grading.
Hellidon Lakes Hoteland Golf Resort, Daventry, NN11 6GG
www.hellidonlakeshotel.co.uk Tel. 01327 262550.
Road closure in Southam warning: For those attending the Black belt grading this weekend and are travelling through Southam, we are told that there is apparently a road closure on Welsh Road East where you would turn right. However if you continue on the Daventry Road a short distance you can divert through the Flying Fields estate on your right by turning right further on into Spitfire Road follow this main road through to the end then turn left this will bring you back on to the original road on the other side of the road works and will only add on a few minutes.
It is suggested that you DO NOT FOLLOW THE DIVERSION SIGNS as we have been told that this is a longer way around but that Google maps should hopefully pick all this up if needed)
South East area students grading days/times are TO BE CONFIRMED:
Black belts - (Dan grades): Friday 24th October 2025
- Starting time: To be confirmed X.XX am for 1st Dans
- Starting time To be confrimed X.XX am for 2nd Dans
- Starting Time: To BE Confirmed X.XX am or pm for 3rd & 4th Dans
1st Kup - (ie: black stripes): Saturday 25th or Sunday 26th October 2025
- Starting time: TO BE CONFIRMED XX:XX am or pm for all 1st Kups.
There are various notes, helpful tips etc, in News, Calendar & the Resources for your grade. All on www.hedtkd.com
Parents & others escorting students to the grading CANNOT actually watch the grading nor enter the grading practice or student areas. However, parents etc may ofcourse remain in the hotel during the time the student is actually grading. Everyone is asked to please abide by the hotel rules & show respect to others including non TKD guests on the premises. Once the grading for the student is over people are asked to please leave the hotel premises within 15 minutes.
FINALLY, Anyone showing symptoms of covid or recently tested positive should ofcourse not come to the venue at all.

New year sessions 2026
Merry Christmas 2025 & Happy New year for 2026.
This note will be updated as necessary over the Xmas/New year period so please check regularly.
Due to the Xmas/New year season/forecasts & events, there will be no training at the club 19th Dec 2025 to 2nd Jan 2026 inclusive for those sessions.
All clubs/classes restart from Sunday 3rd January 2026 & onwards regularly after that.
Should the winter weather turn bad & adversely affects any classes, then as usual, we will add a message for that particular club on it's schools page & similarly ofcourse always on the News & Calendar pages.
Hope everyone has a great Xmas.
Have a great 2025

Coloured Belt Grading 10th Dec '25: WOKING
Coloured Belt Grading; Wed 10th Dec '25 Woking
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Start times:
10th, 9th, 8th Kups: 6:00pm*
7th Kups & above: 6:40pm*
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Location: Woking. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.

Coloured Belt Grading: Worthing 13th Dec '25
Coloured Belt Grading; 13th December 2025 Worthing
To grade, you must wear your WHITE DOBOK, obtain your instructors prior approval, satisfy all pre-requisite requirements & use your "members log-in" to access & then complete, an application.
Also :
- Check/learn your Coloured Belt syllabus.
- Use the Knowledge Quiz to revise & learn
Start times:
10th Kup & above: 2:30pm*
Location: Worthing. Please arrive early, ready in your WHITE DOBOK.